Silk Plaster - wallcovering material for interior design will turn outdated walls into a royal look. Silk Plaster - aka liquid wallpaper made out of 100% organic silk, cellulose and decorative adhesives.
- Can be applied almost to any surface such as: glass, tiles, concrete blocks, pvc panels and more evenly without seems or joints giving a surface smooth and cozy texture.
- Silk Plaster is resistant to UV rays and does not fade over the years;
- Silk Plaster has thermo and sound resistant capabilities;
- Eco Friendly organic material, all components are natural.
- Easy to apply, remove and repair.
- Do it yourself.
Silk Plaster became first European eco friendly - liquid wallpaper manufacture since 1997. For over 25 years Silk Plaster brand is recognized in over 140 countries, with over 900 distribution centers worldwide.
For more information YouTube Silk Plaster - in 15 minutes you will know what an amazing material was invented in 1997.